Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Natural Nurser Baby bottle_Medical Product

Natural Nurser Baby bottle

From the medical magazine, I found an interesting baby bottle which just won the 2008 Medical Design Excellence Award, as well as the 2008 Red Dot Design Award.

Unlike the usual glass bottles, which are heavy, unwieldy, and can be easily chipped or broken, this ecological bottle is made of safe plastic material. Besides, it has a revolutionary new breast-like design that mimic mother's breast, and have "Petal vent" which helps avoid the dreaded colic.

This bottle seems to offering an unique tactile experience to the baby with a soft rubbery grip. Due to the polycarbonate-free materials that warm the child's cheek like a breast, when filled with warm milk, baby could go between breast and bottle with little confusion.

I think this nurser bottle is successfully designed, and can be a good example for next generation medical device. The baby bottle has it's own product language, uses environmental-friendly material, and shows a high brand identity.

One thing that does not work well is the "PRICE" of device. $20 for one baby bottle? A good medical product should have a reasonable price, so that most of the people can afford it.